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To Make Jesus Christ known and


The Marists in Aotearoa -
New Zealand

The first Marist Brother arrived in New Zealand in 1838, as part of the mission led by Bishop Pompallier. While the Brothers continue to support the mission in Oceania, they established their first school in New Zealand in 1876. From there, the Brothers took Catholic education to broad areas across both the North and South Islands.

Our Schools

Marcellin believed it was his mission to educate children not only about the Christian faith but also about their surrounding world and themselves. The Brothers continued in this spirit becoming known first and foremost as teachers. Today there are less Brothers but the schools are established throughout the world many of which are staffed completely by lay teachers who keep the unique Marist flavour of these schools.


From impactful social initiatives to significant celebrations, explore the latest news and inspiring stories from the 11 countries that make up the Star of the Sea Province. Our Marist brothers and lay partners are dedicated to fostering faith, education, and community across the Pacific. Stay updated on our mission and the vibrant life of our Marist family.


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Province Office Aotearoa New Zealand 


PO Box 24-400

Royal Oak, Auckland

New Zealand


Suite 1.4

381 Great South Road

Ellerslie, Auckland 1051

New Zealand


t | + 64 9 573 5233

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